Tuesday, June 29, 2010

New Discoveries-

So today I spent some time looking at two social networking websites for classrooms. I looked at www.edmundo.com and www.twiducate.com. As a 4th grade teacher I'm not too sure how I could use this in my classroom? We only get a computer lab time slot of 45 minutes and only once a week. What can I do in that time or what SHOULD I do with these sights? About 1/2 of that computer lab time is used to enter weekly tests and such. What can I use these sights for? I'm stumped, but I would love to have some ideas.


  1. Hi, Carrie!
    I stumbled across the OnlineCollege.org website this morning and it has an amazing array of ideas on how to use social networking in the k-12+ classroom. You might find some good ideas there. I picked out a few to discuss on my blog, but the link is http://www.onlinecollege.org/2009/10/20/100-ways-you-should-be-using-facebook-in-your-classroom/

    Good luck!

  2. I've been mulling this over as well. Here is what I'm thnking: give students a place to interact vouluntarily with more content and participate in sharing more content... Like facebook only with a topic. Use it as a place for students to give you feedback... Like "exit polls" you might do on sticky notes. This could be done in class if you have access or outside. This may end up looking like
    microblogging or twittering. Sharing of digital storytelling and media projects and feedback. I just see it as a tremendous opportunity to allow kids to engr
    engage science outside the confines of your s
    classroom. Can't wait to try it!

  3. Do you have a computer in your room with an interactive board? If you do, you could bring it up to show your kids...if not...it would be a tough call. Cyn

  4. Students could also access it at home to make comments and give feedback, if they had access to a computer. I also only have 45 minutes in the computer lab a week, but we do have 5 computers in the classroom which the students rotate to during our center time. If you had any computers in the class this might be another option, and just give them more time to get on and share on the sites.
