Thursday, July 8, 2010

My reflection to our weekly reading assignment: Aquiring Online Data for Scientific Analysis
In 4th grade we don't use a lot of data analysis. If I taught a higher grade level I could really see the use for it. There is a lot of information out their that can take inquiry lessons to the next level. As I am looking back at my first sentence: In 4th grade we don't use a lot of data analysis...why don't I? It seems like we are so pressed for time that I haven't really expanded on my projects. I have changed a lot of my teaching into inquiry base learning, but I guess now that I am getting the hang of that...why not expand and throw in some data analysis. I guess I'm not sure on how to use data analysis in 4th grade? Any suggestions would definately be appreciated.


  1. You're probably doing a good bit of data analysis already. I might start by having students looking at the tables and graphs they are making and have them generate a few conclusions, examine the trends in the graph, etc. As far as online data sets, you might want to find a data set and simplify it. If you teach a weather unit, weather data sets might be particularly easy to use.

  2. Don't forget though, the "core" of inquiry (and of science) is the development of evidence-based explanations (or arguments). Although you do not need to use online data for this, your students should be using evidence to explain science phenomena!
